Posted by Sari
Ahoy mateys and have a great "talk like a pirate -day":-)
Joku halusi aikataulun eli milloin Jukka on kotona ja milloin sairaalassa. Tämä on periaatteessa kovin helppoa tietää. Hän menee sairaalaan mafiaa edeltävän keskiviikon aamuna ja pääsee sairaalasta joko perjantai-iltapäivänä tai lauantaiaamuna riippuen siitä miten hoidot ovat sujuneet. Ja jos mafia-viittaus sekoittaa niitä kahta ja puolta mundanea jotka vahingossa tätä lukevat niin selkokielellä Jukka on sairaalassa keskiviikosta perjantaihin parittomina viikkoina.
The hair started to fall off. So we invited Petri, Hannele and of course Tuisku over on Sunday for cofee and ice cream and Hannele shaved Jukka's head. We also got to see a rough cut of their home-made Western "Prince of the Rockies" where Jukka plays a less than smart side-kick to the main villain. It is going to be great when it is properly finished. I want a part in the next production too...
I have to admit Jukka looks pretty brutal at the moment, I'd change to the other side if he was walking behind me on a dark street... I also had a very strange moment waking up monday morning and looking for a split second at the total stranger next to me.
Otherwise, he sleeps a lot. I mean really a lot. Which I guess is a good thing, insomnia on top of everything would not be nice. The general tiredness also translates to inability to do anything more demanding than to watch TV and talk with people. Reading and writing seem to demand too much concentration and effort at the moment.
His system seems also have gotten used to Neupogen so that the pain is nowhere near as bad as it was during the first treatment period. And we got the letter from KELA confirming that the state will pick up the bill on all the drugs he needs for the cancer. Yay for the nanny state say I.
I am fine unless you don't count increasingly short fuse and even that is probably at least partially due to PMS. Even so, I decided to add to my permanent trinity of irrational irritation and hatred (The Pope, Mika Salo and Jokerit) one more group:
People who cant use the travelcard It is really, really simple system. There are thousands of leflets available on how it works. For a year there were specially hired people to demonstrate how it works. Anyone, who asked had help and instruction available. And still some more moronic speciements of humanity seem to be unable to hold the card in front of the reading area for a second until the machine says "beep" and the green light goes on. If it is that difficult, stay at home.
I am tempted to add people who talk during the movies, but that is a loosing battle. I am resigned to going to see movies in future in theatres where the volume is very high and wearing ear-plugs. What a saddening thought. Talking about movies, I went to see Pirates of the Caribian. No, nobody talked, but the film itself was disapointing. Johnny Depp was pure comic genius and every minute he was on screen was worth the prize of admission, but the film itself was predictable, had too many too long fight scenes and the ending was just lame. Besides, how can anyone take Steve from Coupling seriously as an uptight but heroic British naval officer. I was waiting for him to call "Susan!" every time something alarming happened.