Posted by jukkahoo
So I went and saw a doctor today. This time he was the one blond (dyed) haired middle-aged dude, whom I had seen once before, but I can't seem to place him. Where was this and why? Named Teerijoki (or close, actually more like "Teeri..mmumble.. How do you do?") apparently.
Had a wee chat, where he told that as far as he can see, the Monday's pictures look fine and dandy, but since there was no statement from the X-ray doctor, they'd phone me next week with the results. As to the other tests, everything else was well within the normal parameters - even my white cell levels, though they could be a bit higher - except my "virtsahappo" (seems to be uric acid), which was 509 (as opposed to normal range of approx. 190-460). This is a clear indication of a possible gout. A gout!
No more port wine, then.
As well as no more smoking. Dr. Teerimumble encouraged me not to start smoking, since (and this here was a bit cryptic in my mind) "one plus one is three in this case". Come to think of it, it makes perfect sense. Occasional cigar now and then is not out of the question, since "secondary smoking is everywhere and one does inhale the bad stuff once and a while".
I had to ask about excessive drinking, but that apparently is up to the Big Boss ie. Sari. I consider excessive drinking being a bit more than few pints of beer at St. Urho's Pub every other week.
All in all, this looks very promising. Dr. Teerimumble said that at this point the risk of renewal is about 20% (after three months) and it'll slide all the way down to about 5% within the first year. Three years from now we're talking about a possibility of one percent or less. I think I'll survive...
No nih. Toihan kuulostaa hyvältä. Tsemppiä ja ne prosentit putoavat ihan huomaamatta.
Posted by: Veriveli | March 18, 2004 at 15:53
Jepjep. Samaa mieltä Tiberiuksen kanssa! Prosentit putoavat kyllä, paitsi niistä Urhon olusista. Ja tuo röökipuoli nyt ei liene suuri tappio noin muutenkaan. Minä ainakin lupaan olla polttamatta sinun ollessasi lähistöllä :) Joka tapauksessa pääuutiset olivat hyviä. Happy happy joy joy!!
Posted by: Teemu | March 18, 2004 at 16:06
HIENOJA UUTISIA! Iloitaan ja pidetään prosentit koholla oikeissa paikoissa, etupäässä laseissa, sisäisesti pitäydytään promilleissa. Niitä sitten riittävästi.
Posted by: Mikael | March 18, 2004 at 16:58
Hienoja uutisia, Jukka! Hyvaa jatkoa vain! Me juodaan portviinia sinunkin puolestasi sitten.
Terv. Tapani
Posted by: Stefan | March 19, 2004 at 06:59
Yeeehaaaw! Great news indeed. But What is a gout (except goat misspelled)?
Posted by: Ben | March 19, 2004 at 13:42
Hienoja uutisia! Excellent, even. I hope it's not gout (gikt, Ben), but even if it is, it's slightly nicer than lymphoma, I'd say.
Posted by: Johan A | March 19, 2004 at 14:51
Se ompi kihti på finska. Gikt ruåtsiksi. Tunnetaan (?) myös nimellä luuvalo. Voimakas nivelkipu, joka yleensä manifestoituu tuolla isovarpaan nivelessä. Ihme sairaus, aivan perhanan kipeä ja aiheutuu yleensä jostain juoma/ruoasta. Siksi portviini-kielto otsakkeessa.
Posted by: jukkahoo | March 19, 2004 at 14:51
Eikö kihti ole vanhan miehen tauti? Ethän sinä nyt niin vanha ole... vai olenko taas käsittänyt jotain väärin ;-)
Posted by: Marko | March 19, 2004 at 18:59
Kiitoksia, tack för the gout selitys. A new word, a new notch up on th IQ ladder. ;)
Port wine sport wine. I think it's time for you, Jukka, to join me on the dark side! Let go of your stupid cravings for alcohol. Together we will crush this... whoa, use the force Luke.
Posted by: Ben | March 20, 2004 at 17:04
I think I ought to have been a *bit* more clear with this gout-thingye. I know most of you are just pulling my leg (but puhleeeese, not the one with gout), but just to confuse more that one person still ignorant, here goes:
I do not have a gout. I may never have one. What I do have is an elevated levels of uric acid. This is not life-threatning nor dangerous in any way. Since this is actually the very first time they have conducted this test, they have no way of knowing whether my uric acid levels are actually slightly higher than the norm. They will monitor this in the future.
Gout is one of the most common forms of arthritis (joint inflammation). For some bizarre reason, the ball of the big toe is the commonest site. Uric acid is a chemical which is a natural part of the normal breaking down and building up of food and body tissues. The condition of raised blood uric acid is called hyperuricaemia. When this is present the uric acid which is normally dissolved in the blood may, from time to time, form microscopic crystals in the joint. These crystals set up the inflammation which is called acute gouty arthritis or acute gout.
Sounds like a bummer, not to mention the *really* bad things one must consider here. There are some food-stuffs which are more or less no-no in case of a gout. The ones I personally would find rather difficult to abstain from are:
- Red meats which come from cows or sheep and include steak, chops, corned beef and larger pieces of meat usually roasted in the oven
- Shellfish like mussels and oysters
- Peas and beans.
- Alcohol, especially beer and wine.
For feck's sake!
Posted by: jukkahoo | March 20, 2004 at 20:07
Kuulostaapi siltä, että nesteet valuvat päästä alhaalle isovarpaaseen. Olenko oikeassa?? Siispä, Jukkahoo, heitän aiemman kysymyksesi takaisin: tuleeko sinustakin nyt kasvissyöjä? Ja kai tuota viinaa saa tilkan aina silloin tällöin ottaa? Voin tuoda sinulle täältä sellaista litkua, että Sari ei erehdyksessäkään kuvittele sen olevan juotavaa :) Semmoista tahmeaa lentokonepolttoaineelta haisevaa tahnaa... Päähän se menee kuin metrin halko!
Posted by: Teemu | March 21, 2004 at 04:42
Onnea Jukka!
Oliko vaaleaksi värjätty keski-ikäinen tohtori nimeltään Lasse Teerenhovi? Se on mun sukulaiseni.
Posted by: Mervi | March 21, 2004 at 11:51
Hienoa, isot onnittelut!
Posted by: Omppu | March 21, 2004 at 14:12