Posted by Sari
Apparently, we had a tromb - the little brother of tornado - next door on the Tali golf course. We were lazing about with bedroom window little bit open when suddenly the curtains started to flap almost horizontally and the wind started to howl. I just shut the window and did not think more on it until Jukka opened the C-text and found out that a tromb had collapsed a tent and injured nine less than half a mile from our place. Huh.
There are however, much worse high winds to be expected at New Orleans tomorrow when Katrina will hit Louisiana coast. I remember reading about the possibility of a bad hurricane basically destroying the city, which is below sea level and practically surrounded by water. Now that is disturbingly near to becoming a truth.
At the moment the whole city is being evacuated. Or, at least the people who own cars are leaving the city. Apparently there is no sufficient public transportation infrastructure and/or evacuation plan to help those who don't have cars to leave. The mind just boggles.
Go to Making Light for more on Katrina.