Posted by jukkahoo
Mr. Sanders died. It's gone. Pining for the fjords it ain't.
So, we got a new computer.
And yes, since it is me, I did lost some data. Especially emails. All of them in fact. So in case you're wondering why I haven't answered to your requests/questions/ponderings etc, it's due to the fact that I a) do not have your email and b) no recollection of what I was supposed to be doing. I do remember some stuff, but at the moment I'm pretty much swamped with myriad of things to be done re: Finncon and Uuskummaa? -anthology, that I'm afraqid I'm going to both ask for your indulgence and patience during this time of crisis. Send me email if you need that answer asap. In fact, why don't all of you send me email, so that I can get my eddresses back in order.
Football. Brasil winning, good. Not glorious, nor samba-like, but two wins out of two games is a helluva lot more than, say, France. Still confident.
Not only am I (yet again) missing deadlines and looking blankly at herra Miettinen, I also have these stabbing pains in my back. Literally stabbing pain (kuin veitsellä pistettäisiin) approximately middle of my right long back muscle. Sari says it's kramppeja. I say it is some sort of punishment for trying to do everything and then some. Expect this to change.
Tired, hurting, busy, working, late. So what else is new?
My condolences for the departure of a valued family member.
Posted by: Tero | June 20, 2006 at 22:47
Argh! Too damned bad about the computer, well maybe not the 'puter, but the lost data. :(
Try not to stress too much (I know it's easy to say) and remember that you are not alone.
Posted by: Ben | June 20, 2006 at 23:17
Surunvalitteluni. Lähetän teille spostia heti, kun kaivan jostakin teidän spostiosoitteenne.
Posted by: Omppu | June 21, 2006 at 13:05