Posted by jukkahoo
OK, so I got this email from Fantasiapelit which said that I ought to visit there soonish, as the same (or somewhat similar) email was sent to Matti as well, about this "something interesting that might be right up your alley..."
What got me thinking: "Well, if it's interesting to both me and Matti it could be of many a thing...", but as it had to be something out of the parameters ot the normal shop suey (heh heh...) and paraphenalia that Fantasiapelit carry, words like "Adam" and "Ant" came to mind.
And would you believe!?! I finally managed to find time to layabout to the shop, and Lo! Matti hasn't been there yet. And what could be that "something interesting"?
Why, yes! It is indeed the Adam Ant's autobiography Stand and Deliver! A book I knew I'd buy the moment I'd actually see it. There - for me - for an undisclosed sum of hush hush.
Fantasiapelit is simply the BESTEST SF-shop in the world!
Delta Hoy Max 9!!!
So, obviously I've been reading it. Quite a lot actually. It reads very well, albeit, methinks this is more to the fans than to anyone else. Other than therapists. And fans. And sex therapists, really.
The main point Adam seems to have is his sexdrive, which, from what can be read from the pages of the book, is rather... large. And liberal. One could say that Adam is one horny dude. And then some.
Lots of nice little anecdotes, especially from the punk-era, as he was there where pretty much everything happened (Sex Pistols' first gig was as a opening act for Adam's first band Bazooka-Joe). From what I have gathered so far, relatively little about the background and inspirations for his music and especially lyrics. That is to say nothing new really that hasn't been said before.
So far it looks and reads like a very nice memento for fans, but nothing really that special to write home about. Things could change as there is quite a number of exploits to be read, like the Fall from Grace and That Incident, with the police dressed up as spagetti western hero and brandishing a sidearm etc. Eminently readable and apparently totally written by Mr. Ant himself.
As autobiographies go, way better than Mr. Uninteresting aka. Charlton Heston, but nothing resembling the verve and fun that is David Niven (not to mention the likes of Graham Chapman or Julius Marx ).
Once more: Fantasiapelit is the Bestest SF-shop in the World!!!
Sounds great enough for me to put some antmusic on right away. :)
Posted by: Ben | November 19, 2006 at 14:19
And what's this album called "Extra Wonderful" that I find on iTunes Music Store. Seems to be released this year. Some new antmusic? Any good?
Posted by: Ben | November 19, 2006 at 14:22
Extra Wonderful seems to be a compilation of sorts, mainly including the singles and b-sides from the album Wonderful. There's also some remixes of the singles, live versions of oldies and goldies (including Dog Eat Dog, previously available only on a cassette single) and so forth. There's also the third-never-released-single from Wonderful, with accompanying b-sides, which really bothers me, as I have all the rest of these songs, but...
Luvverly stuff (I quite like the b-sides for the singles), but I think I'll wait and check how much of this will be available from the eventual Remastered Wonderful. So much of his old stuff has been released these past few years, first with Antbox and then these Remastered versions of most of his albums. Adds loads of colour to his ouvré. Me like.
Posted by: jukkahoo | November 20, 2006 at 01:33