Posted by Sari
There was a maitenance guy replaing the doorhandle of my shared office today. And not only our doorhandles, all 700 odd handles in the whole building. I was happy with our doorhandles. My roomie was happy with our doorhandlse. The new doorhandles look exactly same as the old ones. Apparently, and this is just word-by-mouth rumour, the old handles would not wear with time but would stay shiny. Which was a bad thing, so the handles had to be replaced by identical ones which would age. For f*** sake, there really wasn't better use for the money? Things like this and the repeated choice of form over functionality makes me dislike interior designers. Also, I think the interior designer who designed the tile choices for our new flat was suffering from severe depression. For example, for bathroom we can choose white, gray or dark gray.
And while i am at it I am not that fond of Architects, either. Few years back there was an episode of talk-show Telakka where architects, a researcher on architecture and "ordinary people" discussed why the twain so seldom meet. What made me see red in the discussion was the statement that if people wanted retro-architecture, they should choose to live in old buildings instead of buying pastel-coloured prefabricated houses or disguising modernist solutions behind a retro-facade a la Kartanonkoski. Yeah, because we all can afford to buy one of the unlimited number of 200 years old farm-houses or a art-noveau flats. Morons.
So that is one of my worse blind spots, I just don't get Finnish architects and interior designers. But now that I have gotten that off my chest, something more positive. I want to ask from our 1,4 readers what is your favourite building? Here is mine.
Satunnainen neuvostovenäläinen scifi-rakennus, joka vetoaa mielipuoliseen muotokieleeni.
Posted by: jukkahoo | May 25, 2007 at 00:57
Asuttavuudesta ja yleisestä käyttökelpoisuudesta en tiedä, mutta ideana tämä on aika suloinen:
Posted by: Elli | May 25, 2007 at 15:58
Favourite building (apart from our own house, ofcourse) could be this:
Posted by: Ben | May 27, 2007 at 23:41