Posted by Sari
So I think we are all again in agreement: Åcon was great fun, again. It is just about perfect combination of things sciencefictional, hanging out with friends and holidaying. I think we hit the jackpot second time with Ian McDonald who was fun, engaging and sociable guest of honor. As all the copies of Brasyl and River of Gods the committee had brought to the con were sold out, I don’t think I was alone thinking so.
Jukka was again doing programming left and right, and maybe because I see him plenty in other contexts and am very difficult to please, I could have been more wowed. Though contrary my habits, I did watch and enjoy Nevermind the Buzzaldrins and enjoyed a lot, special thanks to Herman and panelists for helping to make it work.
Other highlights of connish nature were Tanya’s presence - her perspective in discussions was really interesting – and the last program item of the con, a sort of round table discussion on the high-lights of the year. I liked the ex-tempore format and really think that in such a small con this kind of general discussion with everybody pitching in could work in some cases better than a panel.
Hanging-out part was great fun too, there is a sort of bonding experience in a con such as this which leads to getting to know better people you know just a little, which I thoroughly approve. I also love the silliness, stuff like Pink Ilja, Vesa’s doctor What cartoons, the con members buying the local toy store out of Hello-Kitty lollipop-fans and Frogs Ernst and Robert heckling the program items.
Icing on the cake was the turisty part of the trip. Linnea had arranged a trip to the spa where we had a jacuzzi to ourselves and plenty of room in the pool. There was also a pool from which you could just swim outside enjoy a great view. I even went swimming in the sea. Lovely. Others cycled to see Kastelholma or motored to the highest point on Åland. As last year, I went yarn shopping and came away with woollen sockyarn on discount and kid mohair. Ylva found some gorgeous pure silk yarns. Also I got a wonderful and totally unexpected birthday present, THANK YOU!!!!
-sigh- maybe next year.
Posted by: Cheryl | May 07, 2008 at 23:12