Posted by Sari
As the flu has robbed me of most of my cognitive functions I have been spending my day drinking endless cups of tea and surfing the net. Here is the haul:
As i have been one of the drones who input data to a system, I see how this could happen, but that the first response did not ring a bell makes this funny. Poet dead for 200 years told to pay TV licence.
Great play from our age's best playwright. I have tickets, do you?
I have been reading about history of Africa lately. And I bet reading Babar now would be an interesting experience.
When I was around 12 years, I hated L.M. Montgomery with the passion of a thousand suns. Like most of Finnish girls, I read and loved Anne of the Green Gables. What I could not understand was the betrayal of the later books, of how the smart, impulsive, romantic, determined and driven Anne degenrated into a swooning doctor's wife without a life of her own. Maybe this explains it a little.
Scholars who are also members of LDS church have produced a new book on Mountain Meadows Massacre. Sounds interesting, but do they also cover the cover up?
And I also had time to look at my backlog of the Daily Show. Here is one of Jon's better rants, from 30th of September, when the bail-out bill failed to pass the House.
Yes, I have tickets to the play, too. Funny that. :-)
Posted by: Mekku | October 09, 2008 at 09:53
Whoa, what a coincidence!
Posted by: Sari | October 09, 2008 at 13:44
Kiitos tuosta Montgomery-linkistä! Luin hänen päiväkirjansa ja ne olivat kaikessa surullisuudessaan oikein kiinnostavia. Tuota yhtymäkohtaa en kuitenkaan tullut ajatelleeksi, nyt se vaikuttaa varsin selvältä.
Posted by: Sini | October 09, 2008 at 21:50
My first read was "with the passion of a thousand nuns". And I thought what an interesting metaphor of suppressed passion in a monastery.
Posted by: Manu | October 15, 2008 at 03:29
Muistutuksena: Rock'n Rollin hetki lähestyy - lauantai klo 13:00!
Uusi ilme on hauska!
Posted by: Mekku | November 24, 2008 at 11:49