Posted by Sari
I have an LJ account which I use solely for commenting purposes, never felt the need to split my net presence to different blogs. And yet, I went and got myself a Dreamwidth account which I plan to upgrade to paid account. Here is why:
1) Dreamwidth's busines model is ad-free; their only clients are the users. As I have stated earlier one of my pet peeves about web 2.0 is the unsolvable dilemma of trying to please two different clienteles: users and advertisers, so I really, really want to see if Denise and Mark have managed to create a viable business.
2) The software is LJ fork, but they have done quite a lot of neat things with the site I like better than LJ. The most important is that friending has been separated into reading list and give access to features. It gets rid of the unnecessary baggage the term "friend" has on LJ and is just a much better way to manage access to content.
3)I give you Infotropism on Ada Lovelace day. I just think this is cool and important and worth supporting.
4) Totally shallow reason: I got my proper name as my username: I am Sari over there. That is somewhat neat.
I don't quite now how I will use the account, propably I will post less structured more journally type entries there and use muffins for reviews, and more structured arguments. It will be interesting to see weather LJ-type platform is really more communal than more traditional blogging platforms like typepad.
Oh, and I have one invite left if anyone wants it, first comment, first served.
I've gotten used to LJ, but I agree with you that Dreamwidth's "friending" concept is much better than the one used on LJ. The possibility of adding someone to your reading list without necessarily giving them access too all your content is a big improvement over how LJ handles these things. You can limit your readership on LJ, but it's all done by filters and locked posts and whatnot.
I haven't yet decided what I'll be doing with my Dreamwidth account. At this point I'm mostly using it to backup my Livejournal (a very easy and painless process!), but if there is a sudden mass exodus there, I could start using it more actively.
Posted by: Tarja | May 15, 2009 at 21:49
p.s. Kommentointi Macin Firefoxilla ei näytä onnistuvan, se jää vain kellottamaan. Safari kuitenkin toimii.
Posted by: Tarja | May 15, 2009 at 21:51
I got my DW account for partly the same reason: What, Johan is still available?!?
Will see what I eventually use it for, if at all. I have never really used my LJ account for much.
Posted by: johan a. | May 16, 2009 at 10:10
Tarja: kyllä kommentointi Macilla ja Firefoxilla onnistuu ihan hyvin (mulla ainakin).
Posted by: Tero | May 16, 2009 at 19:12
Ρακιντζής Μιχάλης RULES!
Posted by: jukkahoo | May 17, 2009 at 02:34
Tero: Ilmeisesti joku hetkellinen häiriö minun koneellani/yhteydelläni. Nyt näyttäisi toimivan taas minullakin.
Posted by: Tarja | May 18, 2009 at 01:32