The most important things first. We have air conditioning. Also bathtub. Thus the basic requirements for a happy con experience have been met. Go Sokos Hotel Jyväshovi. We arrived yesterday after a pretty monotonous three hour drive, and then spent about twenty minutes driving around Jyväskylä trying to find a route to the hotel garage, and thus were late for the city reception. I want a navigator, at least then I woud have something anthropomorphic to blame when the maps are not up to date.
We met Mekku at the hotel enjoying the cool breeze - she told us that the researchers meeting had decamped to a park for the afternoon as it was much too hot inside, and she had decided to skip the reception. Instead we meandered up the hill to Sohwi for some burgers and some exellent swedish company. After a few we picked a nice window between showers and walked back to the hotel pretty early. You have to pace yourself when you are middle aged, you know...
Today program includes visit to a particle accelerator, hugo panel and shoppig. Maybe a nice bath. With champers... I see defenite possibilites.