Posted by jukkahoo
Bejeezus! YLE Teema (the best channel on telly) had Snow Patrol (USA, 1940) on - and what a film it was! Winter War breaks out and little mountain village on the border is threathened by the invading Russians. The lofty border mountains are filled with battle after battle, when the pesky Soviets bombard the heroic Finns. Well, not necessarily that heroic, but nevertheless.
Not only is this stunningly unrealistic in every imaginable way, the mountain dwelling Finns seem to be Swedish-speakers (Birger, Tyko, Viktor, Gustaf etc), which does explain the large and well-stocked cabins but this is apparently alternate history as well. No, not because there are mountains on the border. It's possible that most viewers won't even notice the historical inaccuracy in the beginning of the film, where Viktor and his Russian friend/competitor Ivan are battling it out with the 18 km crosscountry ski-race.
Now, 18km, not that often used distance. Nor are often tracks quite so... downhilly. But those are just mere details when one remembers that Soviet Union first participated Olympics in Helsinki, in 1952. And first Winter Olympics in 1956, in Cortina. Not so much in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in 1936.
Ski Patrol is mercifully short (64 min) and is very average b-movie in all respects, with silly dialogue and stilted acting. And some really nice winter footage from a German war movie (Berge in Flammen, 1932). It's lurid and unrealistic, but as a Finn I enjoyed it for what its worth. And a movie that ends with a line like: "The penalty for traitors is DEATH!", followed by a BIG BAD BOOM!, cannot possibly be all that bad.
Yes, beer? Brakspear Triple is a... oh, 6,7%, so it's a strong ale. Doesn't taste all that alcoholic, but after few sips it is evident that this is potent stuff. Not bitter, sweet and mellow more like, and well drinkable. Hoppy, malty and tasty.
I think I'm gonna skip the tv-series this time, since it'd be foolish to try to top Ski Patrol. Here's your arbitrary link though. I'm tired.
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Posted by: Kube | December 09, 2013 at 00:08
18 km cross-country skiing actually used to an often contested race. It was included in the program of every Winter Olympics between 1924 and 1952, and of many editions of World Championships as well. It was replaced by 15 km in 1954 World Champioships in Falun and in 1956 Olympics in Cortina.
Posted by: Manu | December 09, 2013 at 04:55