Posted by jukkahoo
The pot is in the oven with all the necessary ingredients (various meats, roots, spices and then some) in it. Should be something smoky, tasty and stouty.
Desired stoutiness should come from a generous dollop of McGrath's Irish Black Stout, which according to the label at least, is recipe no. 4.
Roasted malt flavours heads to the nose, but isn't that strong on the palate. There's certain ashness to this, also coffee-like, but not like that bestest of all coffees, Coffee Porter. No sweet stout this and the richness comes after each following sips, stronger and stronger. This is one dry stout. Very nice indeed!
What could be more Irish and fantastical TV than... Moone Boy, but we covered that yesterday. So we'll have to do with Misfits, whose original main character was Irish Robert Sheehan. (*saved!*) I reckon everyone has either seen or heard of Misfits, so I don't have to go very deep into this. But in case there is still someone who hasn't seen this brilliant TV-series, go now and watch it!
This is what happens when juvenile delinquents get superpowers, good and bad stuff. Misfits is lewd, raunchy and occasionally very graphic, but it is at the same time excellently done, brilliantly written and singularily British, that I hope the American remake never materializes. (Then again, people in the know have said that Life on Mars and Being Human US-versions are good, I haven't dared to have a go yet.)
But there is a remake I'm really interested in, Freaks!, an ITALIAN version of Misfits, which ahs its own Youtube channel, where you can see what it is all about. Mainly in Italian. Oh, powers that be, could you possibly translate more of this and sell me a DVD? Puhleese? What's the use of living in this superhighwayinformationsociety, if we're still unable to get everything there is?
Arbitrary. Very.