Posted by jukkahoo
Easy does it. Baby steps.
I've been having somewhat rough Autumn with bouts of depression and solid burnout. I've left out all things fannish and been concentrating on work and feeling OK. It's still tough, but I think one of these days I'm fine. Or, somewhat fine at least.
With everything happening and going on, last year I didn't manage to do my traditional xmas calendar. I don't know whether this is actually a Good Idea, but since I think this might be a Fun Thing to do, and I have allowed myself Fun Things, here goes.
This year, I'll just jot down some thoughts and things that pop into my head as I write these daily notes. Perhaps I'll recommend something. Or let Sari recommend something. Be sure to read her previous post about NeNoReMo. She managed to devour quite a number of post-apocalyptic fares. I read two regulation books (must've been purchased five years or more ago) as well as some newer stuff (Jeffrey Ford's Twilight Pariah is excellent).
I finally managed to read The Female Man by Joanna Russ. I think it is important, but I'm afraid it isn't my cup of beverage. I can see why that 20+ me couldn't get past first quarter of the book, but I also feel a bit annoyed with myself that I didn't persevere. For it IS an important book, albeit a bit preachy and enamored with the style over story (not the substance). Recommended still.
Also read: Wyrldmaker by Terry Bisson. I'm certain I would've loved this one some 20 years ago, with all the fanciful whimsiness and allusions (or some such). Now it felt a bit dated (pattern?) and quaint. Solid *** still.
Current reading: K. J. Parker: The Two of Swords part 1. First five chapters: nothing happens and it is GREAT! Been waiting for a new KJP and this feels like another great read.
In all fairness, a lot happens during those five chapters, but the fun thing is, that it feels like nothing happens, while armies are battling, men are being conscripted, units are wiped out by uncaring enemies and leaders of men, and war is being all that it can be: hell, nothing, meaningless, waiting, meandering, hopelessness, banal and weird. And then some.