Posted by jukkahoo
Yesterday was an off-day. Urgent family business.
Today is The Day for Not-so-great Britain. It's looking gloomy for the Remainers, but we'll know more y tomorrow, after the dust has settled.
I'm afraid I'm pretty gloomy about it all, it seems like the entire human population of this planet has lost its mind and is willing to a) choose fascism, b) forget manners and civility, c) forsake science, and d) destroy the planet, thus condemning humanity oblivion. Fuck Earth.
Well, fuck Us, 'cause while we really need an Earth, Earth doesn't need us. It's playing the long game and its final klaxon will sound off millions of years after we've perished and completely forgotten.
Fittingly, my beverage of this momentous day is Pedersöre Hantverksbryggeri's Jakobstads Bitter Brexit. Delightfully bitter, but not excessively so, as I am not a bitter person. Eh, eh. Quite decent and easy ale. Much better than the name suggests. Oh, Albion. Surprise us, be a better nation in these dark times.
I hope this will be more or less the last advent posting on politics. I'm grown weary of so much of it. but also very despondent, which in turn stops me from doing the fun stuff and just wallow in misery. Sorry about that.