Posted by jukkahoo
A bit of change with the procedure as Sari is having a bit of fever. Hopefully due to the 3rd jab today. Fingers crossed.
Anyway, I went and drank the somewhat brazen Pommac copy of Amalias, Skumpis. Läskande bubblande fruktdryck eli virkistävä kupliva hedelmäjuoma. Very much like Pommac, but again, less sweet and less bubbly in my opinion. Very good, if Pommac is your thing. And why not, another great apple product by Amalias. The Ålanders do know how and what to do with apples. I bet they have some really nice apple crumble. And apple pie! Must try those when next.
Which will be May, Covid or not. We'll be there and have a long weekend, unless there'll be some kind of a lockdown which would make getting there a bit of a problem. Let's be better, and by us I mean all those idiots that do not care about sensible measures of fighting an actual pandemic. Here's hoping.
So, semi-dry and delightfully apply, Skumpis is a winner.
I got email from Connie Willis today. Imagine my surprise. I didn't know she remembered me from Turku Finncon in 1999. I believe we shared a program number, but its been more than two decades and I honestly don't remember whether we actually were on a panel together or not.
What I do remember, is that we did a cracking opening number with my blood-brother HTTP. Some of the best material I've ever written. "Ei se hätää!" "Kultainen ystävämme" and so on. Hannu may have also contributed a lot. And whisky. A fair bit of whisky.
I think we did a panel on history in fantasy or some such, with Sari and Connie and another GoH Philip Pullman, moderated by Johanna Vainikainen, surely. I hope it was a good panel, I think it was. No recollection really.
Anyway, Connie emailed me. Or to be precise, she wrote an email for Locus who sent the email on her name. Something about when getting into publishing and seriously reading SF, you need to get Locus. Arthur C. Clarke used to blurb the very same thing decades ago.
I don't know whether it is true anymore, but I do subscribe Locus (as a physical copy) and usually read bit and bobs of it the day the electronic version pops into my email and then peruse it (usually about six weeks and some change) later. It's a nice magazine, with some really good reviewers and nice lists for a person like myself. It is, as so many other magazines like our Finnish fanzines, on their way out. This may not happen next year or after that, but there will come a day when the people making the magazines will grow old in the tooth and too tired to keep up the standard of these zines. And the entire world of paper magazines will be distant memory or a hobby of a very dedicated group of enthusiasts.
So yes, Connie wrote to me and some hundreds (thousands?) other subscribers of this day and past, asking to continue to support the magazine that proclaims proudly being THE Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy Field. I'll be happy to renew my subscription when the current one ends. In...
Oh, March 2023. No need to worry then, Connie. I'm fine, thanks!