Posted by jukkahoo
For the longest time, I'd been moaning about my computer. El Gordo was a good kid, but as it happens, mid-range PC's aren't perhaps on their prime after a dozen or so years of (ab)use. I needed a new machine, but as I'm not really made of money, the change was not forthcoming. Until now.
El Gordo had been crashing and stuttering for the most of last year and I knew the inevitable was going to happen soon. Only I still didn't have quite the €€€'s I needed in order to get me a proper unit. My tablet was seeing lot more usage, but as a writing apparatus, it really isn't compatibe with my sausages.
Come December and my Advent Beer Calendar. El Gordo was doingt he best it could, but it was tough going. Even the shortest post took far too long time to write. I'm not even going to tell you how hard it was to write the articles for Sekrit Book Number Six. Phew!
Then my wonderful wife tells me that she's organized a fundraising for a new computer pour moi. I almost cried. And then I needed to make a decision. What kind of a machine do I need? What for? Ponderings. Decisions. Resolution.
So yesterday, I bought mysef a HP Pavilion p6-2375eo. It's reasonably strong PC with enough power for my needs (I don't play games), fast, reliable and well within the price range I had set for myself. And it works. I now have a working computer. Yay!
This would not have happened with the help and generosity of all you people who donated money for this collection. THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart! I'll try to be l'Oreal.
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